Ken Block’s Gymkhana 7 – The Hoonicorn: (Video)

This is the Hoonicorn - a 630kW, AWD, 1965 Mustang, and Ken Block is at the helm.

Fancy a Tuesday morning wake-up? Look no further then, this will definitely wake you up.  A man by the name of Ken Block is back once again for another instalment of his famous Gymkhana video series, the 7th; but this time there’s no Ford Fiesta doing crazy AWD drifts.  His weapon of choice is a modified 1965 Ford Mustang with 630kW and all-wheel drive – the first ever AWD performance Mustang according to Mr. Block – being called the Hoonicorn.  Here it is, in all it’s glory, Gymkhana 7.  Turn up the volume for this one, you’ll thank us later.

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